Hot Souce

Last modified: Feb 15, 1998 (Created: 15 Feb, 1998)

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We are in the kitchen of the sistemista NT, my adviser. The rests of the preparation are amassed in a mucchietto to the angle of the table. The necessary meticolosit2a to the maintenance of the order in tens and tens of Gigabyte totally is trasmigrata in the techniques of stacking for, the in truth poor one, varieta' of necessary ingredients for the preparation of 'bathes'.

Nevertheless this is the piu' complex of the attivita' whose indispensable conclusion e' for the attainment of the prefixed obbiettivo: the brutalization total. We send back the trattazione of this delicate phase, than for other it determines the result and the name of the intruglio, to the term of the description of remaining.

Therefore you will have acquired verdure in large varieta'. Verdure of season. Elencandole we indirectly recommend to dedicate you this preparation to autumnal the winter seasons or late. Cabbages, capsicum, insalata Belgian, radicchio, beets, thistles, cipollotti are those indispensable ones. Aggiungiamone from the exotic name: the tapinambur. We can continue with that less they stimulate my palate, but for this less they are not appreciated from the piu': fungi champignon, sedano white man, finocchi.
You will have washed and cleaned up, and placed on trays from capacity. If you do not preview of servirle endured, attended to ricoprirle with transparent film in order farle not withering.

You will also have procurato of the bread, yellow of granturco not obligatorily... but preferibilmente, and you will have cut it in great slices.

To the center of the table it will have been placed a portable stove to spirit with over the containing container the sauce. During the lunch it will be attended to prevent that this fries, but at the same time dovra' not to lose the vigor in order not to fixedly betray the express promise from just the name: 'it bathes cauda'.

For last sara' be procacciato a fresh egg. We do not supply prescription; leaving to discretion and the taste of the Master of Ceremonies to try to contestualizzare its being on that table in that moment.

As promised we pass hour to the main preparation.

Fairies one sauce with much garlic, anchovies, oil and butter. Cuocete with extreme delicatezza until obtaining one vellutata preparation. Aim. Sono pero' available to make personalized advisings also a lot, until attending to the real implementazione. Modici prices. If you invite to me to eat: gratis.


Way of use. The plates with the verdure turn liberations to the beginning of the meal. Then places from part come in order not to block the table that must be small in relation to the number of persons and portable stoves available. The verdure come from every commensale cut in the more opportune thought shape and mail infilzata in the fork in the container. The reason of cio' divides the academic world:

We suggest of tenercela the necessary time to scaldarla according to your gradimento and not wasting one single drop of this ambrosia.


Advised wine. Of The Piemonte. Black. Because of the strong aroma of this pietanza and the conviviale climate that establishes because of the collettivizzazione of means of consumption, the wine must by force be of those beautiful ones grevi.

To the term of the introduced orgiastico ritual teste', the piu' reckless, puliranno the small pot friggendovi within together to bathes remained the egg.