Human Bipole Field

Last modified: Feb 15, 1998

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Nov 11, 1987

I have the pleasure to resume a my old article as a result of completed more specific studies from same me, thanks to the cognition of fields fornitami from the course of Physics 2, Elettro 1, Elettro 2. I will deal in fact the created static field from the human bipole. The human bipole as all know classically is constituted from the nose and the terminal part of the back (deep back). The same characteristics exist other having types of human bipoles: armpit-nose, foot-nose, but also deep back-language, foot-language, etc... I will not propose some experience to eseguirsi in laboratory, but I will entrust myself to the common sense of my reader.

Specific endured that in the universe a deep back exists for every nose, but we will be able to separately consider the iterance between the single entities, without that is considerarle to braces, that is like bipoles.

Therefore: poles omonimi are attracted, poles eteronomi are rejected (but degeneri cases), the law are of the all empiricist. The force implied in this iterance, can quantitatively be expressed from the famous equation of Cul2o (monaco French of the Savoia lowland):

F = K*n*f / r*r


The determinazone of the physical dimension of n and f it is left for exercise the careful reader.

You notice yourself that F is the module of the carrier F, and that the direction on which is applied is combining the two poles, with the defined back previously when it has been said that poles eteronimi are attracted and poles omonimi are rejected.

It is not but of the all precise previous affirmation. Not draft in fact of a simple carrier, but a Fettore, than is indicated with the symbol <cazzetto>. Fettoriale algebra is of the all vectorial duale of that, holding only present one the different terminology:

We are therefore joints to the field concept: the presence in a region of the space of a nose, or a deep back,o a variety of both determines the following fact: qulsiasi other nose or bottom back in the same region will be subject to a force, turning out from the sum of the source action ciascuna (principle of superimposition of the effects). Point for point will be had, for same nose or bottom back, various value of force.

We consider hour the largeness:

Puz = F / n

it dictates intensity of field of it smells or it smells. As for the force risuter2a anchessa function of the point. You notice yourself that if we knew for every point of the region the value of Puz we would have svincolati considering the " constitution " of the source. Puz is in little words the force for unit of f or n which it would be subject note f or n mail in the space region on which the field is developed.

In effects we consider a nose dipped in homogenous means and isotropo that it comprises in its inside a porcile: hand by hand that it is approached to us always piu will be tried to allontanarvisi. It will have " to be pushed ", therefore subject to a force.

And hour we consider the Fetenziale: having to push the nose in the porcile, a sure " hard work " will be made, will be spold a sure job. The amount:

V = L / n = F*s / n = Puz*s

it is the job carried out for unit of n, and is the fetenziale attributable to n. you notice yourself that is that the fetenziale is cancelled for Puz = 0, in a point that does not endure more ideally the infuence of the field (to the infinite; but with favorable wind also less, but for sources of the type " feet of Pretta " [ Friend of the author (n.d.t.) ] a lot more).

We still introduce the concept of Stench, or smells distributed on superficial ones oriented (that is Puzza is the Stench for unit of superficial), better the famous flow of smells:

Fet = Puz*S

They are worth the following property (I omit the demonstrations):

  1. Il vettore Puz è irruttazionale cioè il lavoro lungo qualsiasi percorso chiuso all'interno del campo è nullo:

    rut Puz = 0
  2. Inoltre la Defecanza del vettore Puz è proporzionale alla nasità o fondo schienità per unità di volume:

    def Puz = n / Vol

In other words the flow of smells (the stench that is) is equal to the nasit2a or contained fondoschienit2a in superficial the sluice through which the stench is measured.

We trace hour the lines of smells: for a human bipole they are always tangent to the carrier smells and have towards from the deep back to the nose.
The having lines perpendicular direction to before are the equifetenziali lines, in fact the Gradibilit2a of smells is equal to V (relation that is gained that is from V = Puz*s):

V = gradb Puz

The equifetenziali lines can be traced by means of a comfortable instrument. In fact the tension between two points of the field (that is from they d.d.f. or difference of fetenziale) is sondabile by means of the use of an homosexual grey martino of which the nose or the deep back will be used, to appeals to of the operator who carries out the measure (than if he were homosexual in its turn he could introduce elements strangers). The use of the grey martino like Fetorometro (therefore as measuring of flow) is more complex, and legacy to the ability to the instrument to feel the " pregnanza " of the aromas. The trattazione esula from the scopes of the article).