
Last modified: Feb 21, 1998

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Incredible trip

due ghiaccioli

Center tourist and of winter sports of an immense plateau, and connected to the ValKKK. one military track, e' XXX. the YYY: perennial source pastures exterminated rich, on which graze the year-old calves of Brunalpina race (immune from TBC to the hundreds for hundreds).

This e' the concrete YYY. and picture XXX the plateau to horse of the ZZZ and the KKK, must " shine " of the alive light in the picture of the social economic development of the province.

" Gianni was pale, did not have piu' appetite, the last month of school had put it to earth. He watches hour: in 15 days of stay to the thousand meters of XXX and thanks to i cannelloni of the rifiorito Clotilde e'. Cheeks rubizze. alive eyes, a formidable appetite, the alive silver I lean "; with these words a mother JJJ that I had addressed to XXX for one period of holiday, has emphasized the climatic importance of the country distant only one cinquantina of kilometers from the citta', and connected to III with one road of ten.

A fisherman who has passed the ferie here has fished eight trouts, two di.le which weighed sette-otto etti.

But tried to go up to XXX to the end of August, in September and for the Saints: you will find best hunters AAA and BBB, beyond to those JJJ.

From December to all February and some time until March, immense extended the snowy ones of the YYY were in past splendid arenas of winter sports. Hour the skiers stop themselves to XXX thanks to the modern one skilift but they are augured that a seggiovia he can connect in future XXX or CCC to the summit of the YYY opening to the winter sports also the depositor the north-west towards DDD and EEE. (1969)