Reggio and Milia

Last modified: Feb 21, 1998

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One smells!...
perhaps drink too much of that acquaccia has a rivoltante effect on kidneys... or e' the being in too many to berne.

Insomma my gita one to the terme of Lambrusco has left pessimo a memory me...
You have present that odore...? Memory that time that I had carried for grilled a kidney of ox.
We say that they are piu' expert of experiments that of kitchen... or better, that they are expert of kitchen for cio' that I have experimented. In any case I did not know the less likeable aspects of the organ of that likeable mammal. Insomma you take gia' dead man to it, gia' sezionato and highly summarizedly washed... then she sinks the blade of the knife in woven its and what ne you obtain? One smells!... The part piu' amusing of that one grilled e' that rinunciai to cucinarlo... pero' dimwenticai of toglierlo from the lavandivo of house of my friend, than ando' to sleep ingnaro of what same fermenting in the washbasin of house kitchen its. For the report e' still my friend... We say piu' friend then... had a debit with me. A day I and my fianc2ee found themselves to supper in four, he, its fianc2ee, and that to the age was one doll of Olinkabestiaincalore name. Cucino' he of the salamelle on my preferred antiadherent frying pan, that it acquitted its egragiamente it also must not preventing the carbonizzazione of the pietanza. The acrid smoke invaded the kitchen and impregno' the tapestry, the moquette in the room-drawing-room, the hygienic paper in stops. This atmsfera from festivity countrywoman perpetuo' to along, a lot that at a distance of one still maledivo week to attend people thus stronza.

But we return to the terme.
The hosts always amassed uni ridosso the others, between one drunk and the other came taken to melancholy, and they withdrew in the alleys of the citadel, then in correspondence of a tombino, freed accumulated toxins during the year and discolte from the prodigiosa water diet.

Together to the water they came assumed (and I same underwent myself to the cure) of the strange applications to shape of papagni of a paste white woman of which imbottiti air e' constituted the preponderant volume, the expression is granted to me, of ortaggi of noble cultivation which onion and capsicum, and preparing lovingly manifactured near the so-called the salumifici scaldato until provoking in just measure the caramellatura of the proteica phase. In this way, the fat person who strains goes to sostituirsi to the air of the alveoli of papagno spongy rendendolo one sponge impregnated and grondante of health.

The evening there e' to terme a air of general smobilitazione. Mestamente you march in squads of patients of direct towards the station. They presumibilmente have all taken of the small flags and the coats of arms (made in korea) for memory of the salutistica day. They have of the enormous become grey tramps and it soil, fruit evidently of some cure somministrata in native place.
Someone sleeps in feet, cradled from the memory of the beautiful moments in company of the head of the state... ah, ve has not said it? Pur' he consecrates this place with its presence and ne it certifys the effectiveness for the control of the number of the hosts, than for this they appreciate.