Excuse me, have you trampled a shit?

Last modified: Feb 21, 1998
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Ginkgo biloba

These leaves of tree of East,
that they have been donated to my garden,
reveal a sure secret,
that it feels sorry me and the tests.
Perhaps E' a living creature
who is uniform?
son two that has decided
of manifestarsi in one?
In order to answer to such question,
I have found the just answer:
you do not notice, in my backs,
than son I one and double?

" But I do not understand... perche' diamine have put stops on the railroads? Us every step morning from is city and there e' it smells of mmerda...! "

As the travellers go up... not so' if you have never had that feeling that perceives of winter... as the coats are impregnated then of icy air of the plain and slowly the rilasciano... visually must rifarsi to the image of the famnoso spot of the contagio of the famous one virus... Here: all here for dirvi that type of people rooms on the train from mine citta'.
But not always! Only two times the year. Draft of a rare tree... and oltretutto!

1^ Interval

" Today the supremacy of more ancient plant is up to the " Palm of Goethe ", a currently guarded implanted Chamaerops humilis in the 1585 and in an appropriate greenhouse, become famous after that celebre the German poet described it enunciating its theory on the transformation of the plants. "

Therefore. I explain to you as it works. It is walked normally and it is entered in station... or it is exited, does not have importance... for earth there e' a species of fanghiglia... a dark organic layer, giallognolo... there are leaves and treaded on berries... a species of " step on " to the genovese! Slippery E' oltretutto, and is risked to lose the equilibriio and to go su'... always piu' su'... in order then to fall back to behind, of culo, like if unexpected the entire mass of your body had been concentrated there.
The dressed ones to this point will not be alone pregni of the poetica atmosphere of the tree. But also umidicci and impregnated of those viscido.

2^ Interval

" Gimnosperma of remarkable dimensions (until 40 meters of height), the Ginkgo must its survival to the cult of monaci the buddhist Chinese, for which a sacred tree is considered. Although remarkablly it has been diffused for its decorative characteristics, some practical uses in cosmetic and like medicinal plant (in particular like used venoso tonic for flebiti and hemorrhoidses), the Ginkgo is probably passing to the spontaneous state. The male exemplary that are more frequently cultivated to ornamentale scope in how much the feminine plants produce of odore ova rancido: their contact can provoke light dermatiti because of the presence of ginkgolico acid and a phenol, the bilobolo. "