The man from japan

Last modified: Apr 04, 1997

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Perhaps they are not the piu' indicated to dealing the argument... pero' you diro' all which I know of Japan... or piu' in a generalized manner of the east.

esperienze dirette

Direct experiences

Chinese press: " hello, you would come to house mine? I make to see my collection you of Chinese press... "
The first adviser with which I had to that to make said to some ritardatari to one reunion: " when I was in Japan, who arrived in delay, he paid the wage to the others in the measure of the time that it made to lose to the others "
When I made judo, to the third time that, although always new indications, " I entered to it " on the coglioni, my master churches to change partner.
The name of the man of Japan that probably exits with Sindy in a famous Helium song and Stiff History.


My preferred book on the Zen.
" Died of a master of you " my preferred film on the Zen.
To leave
" Perche' Bodhi Dharma e' left for the east " an other particular film on the Zen.
Something little on all the books... To begin for the specific topic from " the empire of the signs ".


The thought me flies to the first vision " Here the Empire of the Senses " (Oshima, at all cazzi): often e' difficult to find the partner ideal.
Toshiro Mifune like Clint Estwood, Sergio Leone the much worse one than Kurosawa.
" Sex and Zen " exceptional scene musical comedy-Lesbian, and then still, great concepts of surgery.
Tetzuo, alarming and frastornevole. It remembers to me of when I went to play in a scrap iron warehouse.
Of the same director of Tetzuo: you have never seen two pirla in bicycle of night in the corridors of one school chased from one straincazzato phantom? Hiruku the goblin.
Tomoyuki Tanaka: fortune teller indovinello: who e'.
Schifose mildews
Matango the monster.
Tokio-Ga in order to learn something of Tokio and Japan as far as the food, the golf, and the cinema.
Ford (perhaps)
I am shipwrecked flying American (Coburn), and I am shipwrecked Japanese (Mifune) in difficult cohabitation on a island.
" Crime to the Chinese restaurant ": mandale me colso via the culo ventitle.
" From the Sicily with fury ": two schools to comparison in order to learn the segrto of the " hand of travertino ": " with who you have it " and " I have it with you ".


Bruce Lee
In the end tamed.
She Lee
Samurai with a single arm.
Not bad without the wings. From earth to the roofs, aerial interception with exchange of one fastest gragnuola of blows.
Threading the hands in the live coal, touching a full log of pegs.

Carto-o-ni spirit-to-to-to-ati giap-places-and-and-and-esi

the Japanese of animated cardboards, from the children to the incallite mondane piu', always are represented imperbi and with the breast lacking in capezzolo.
soon on this page the photos of the station of Meinfeld. Caspita that sad history that one of the nonnina and sandwiches white men...
very soon I had begun to parteggiare for the " Vegani ". Father, the red moon e'. Of the first series I have seen all to them.
Mazinga and Mazinga Z
Much unpleasant. Like Goldrake, and if possible with still little irony. Remembered the rockets-mammella of Venus.
Like Goldrake, Mazinga and Mazinga extraland Z. Forza! Creed of averli seen all...
Super car
Fantastic escalation of the number of motors. Exceeded the number of three they are surrendered to me.
Much mysterious one. Exited in Italy before that the film series was diffused on the globe from the title omonimo.
Daitarn III
The maximum of the irony for the kind. And with the force of the sun, vincero'. Solar attack!
Rich of pathos. Creed of successful being to see all the television series.
Capitan Harlock
Insopportabile child. First to the which me pits truly become attached.
Lupin III
Probably the best one... at least until to a sure point. Citero': Margot and Fushiko, and still the apparitions of FIAT 500 and 2 CV.
Rich of amiable personages.
Carletto the prince of the monster

Toni Fusaro

Antonio Inoki
Income with marcetta. Californian lace. Crack-brain. Double aerial soccer. Crushed. And its victories in the last minute. And the heard apparitions of, heard corkscrew! Risse to edge ring.
Andre2e the giant
Monstrous and all wet of sweat.
Habdul the butcher
Unforeseeably agile.
Tiger mask
Exceptional athlete. Troubles to try of strappargli the mask!
Hulk Hogan
Riabilitato bad one.