How I didn't see the North Sea

Last modified: Feb 15, 1998

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F2a Anni, I went in machine with of the friends to Brussels. Logisticamnete we were stoccati to house of a friend of these, a friend " of the lago ", in fact like e' universal famous the Greater Lago of summer puuullula of Nordics, and then if just I must say then two words are enough, type Vice Mayor.
The memory well: entrances there, arrived under the tower of the television, then Via of the Ciliegi and here the such house. A beautiful small house in style " gotico lottery ", with the bay window and I stop with incorporated the bidet, also famous like " cup to sketch ".

(Parenthesis for the cup to sketch: that one e' the consequence of the impact of the compact excrement in the water stagnation purposely place from planner in the opportune position piu' 2eer to obtain the above-mentioned effect. It is observed altresi', than in kind the stagnation it is constituted for beyond the half of orina).

Returning to we, me memory at least five things of that experience.

Frances Galle

/*Francesca Gallina*/

Ue', the more famous singer of Europe. Us fu' introduced its discografia with lose interested enthusiasm and limpid look loaded with complicita'. When we admitted averla never not felt to name in Italy, we provoked one such delusione that guilt sense that ne derivo' us accompagno' until the moment of (painful) the leave.


/*Brodaglia di riso scotto*/

We revealed ourselves like abitatori of plains of the rice with insufficient tempestivita'. We thought to show something of characteristic of our earth offrendoci cooking a risotto for our generous hosts. Me ne I personally occupied, and as he happens in all the important situations me riusci' a po' scotto. Nobody if ne it noticed (except my conterranei), indeed, not a lot velatamente me made to observe how much was to the tooth.
We accepted to which point to taste one they specialita' local: " pollo and laughed ". Steps for the pollo bubbled... (e' who consider it one specialita' also from we there), but to send giu' that animal food of rice... But they give of the Barbarians what we had aspettarci?

Dove' the North Sea?

/*Where is the North Sea?*/

- Well, we can go to the north sea...
I did not wait for other from years... Not so' perche', but the North Sea has always exercised a great fascination on me since child. The vichinghi, the walkirie, krimilde... not so' perche'... We were on two machines, and we headed along the always illuminated freeways of Belgium, then of Holland. We visited near the border a sexy-shop, a store of high fidelity and flowers, a chocolate store from the tempting name (Godiva), a handling with of the optimal beer (warm)...
The host was on one machine and I with others on that one following. The andatura was supported. Here one road buia. On its skillful side some low house slid, all in appearance at least, deserted. On the left side along uninterrupted sidewalk with one a balustrade and to regular intervals of the lampposts from the light much rilassante. It does not take care to me piu' of I try until that I did not understand that beyond the sidewalk... there was of the sand, the sand and then the buio.
Ricolmo of suspicion churches flebilmente: - Quand' e' that we go to see the ocean?
- But e' in foooondooooooooooaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuu... - the machine by now was sfrecciata far away.

Time of merda

/*Shiting weather*/

Those days? For the Po Italians enough to cite the autumnal days piu' buie: the sky e' low and a icy little rain falls aim with one sure insistence. To Brussels it was thus for all those days.
At the moment of the leave: - Thanks, thanks, beautiful ospitalita', beautiful people, beautiful the places, beautiful the singers, beautiful the ocean... sin for the time.
And the kind host all sorridente: - Ah the time! You have been just fortunate to find thus a beautiful time!
We, terroni of Europe watched ourselves with little of compassion, and ignited the machine.

My true one identita'

/*My real identity*/

Beh... for this I refer to you an other splendid page of this situated one: Powell!