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Last modified: Feb 21, 1998
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The my maximum friend (the author refers to when perhaps he preferred the maschietti to the girls: n.d.e.), he asks to me: you know today in station I have met R.e F... and who are say I... two pieces of gnocca that neanche you you would imagine!... my Diego friend takes part. And then? Perche' ce the storys? Perche' has invited me to one evening with the Buddhists. Ah... I make.

Succeeded E' much time ago, but then I was little like now... I inquired myself... and I inquired myself very! One of these two girls was sopreavvissuta to an ugly incident... knows those from the long, traumatic convalescenza and recovery... Insomma, ne was exited to said of my friends little changed, humanly speaking. To hope of poterla knowing was one of the motivations, then was that one tied to the opportunita' to know a dark way, around which they turned alone legends...

We meet ourselves in the pressed ones of the center el sesshin. It me seems a lot piu' old that second the identifying one, " the sciupata " expression in this case rose spontaneous, in effects pero' the features of the ace is beautifulst, e' high, blond... one spendido sorriso much cordial one in spite of the look marked from some suffering. The tawny friend instead e', piu' beautiful and piu' juvenile... but with the insipid aspect of the stupidita'. The problem obviously was not that one to choose between the two... eh, eh, eh... but I am decided to follow before in order to resolve the problems of acclimatization in the new group.

We o there in an apartment of a palace close. A high type in jacket and necktie probably receives us... figo... one species of from Milan rampante. The only instructions that we receive e' of toglierci the shoes and cercarci a place in the room, the drawing-room, gia' full of other persons knelt down towards one species of teca.
Not memory a lot of cio' that segui'. Memory only that we repeated one ipnotica nenia for cira half hour... indeed not! hour memory little of piu'. Everyone had a booklet (with a sound similar to " gonchio ", not me ne wants the experts) driven in written, that it went read all of a breath to high voice, to the unisono. Then it followed a phase in which they came ipnoticamente repeated of the words that memory vaguely. I must admit that all not me entusiasmo'. Exactly as me four hours did not entusiasmarono the puttinges of Passover durations seated to little degrees over zero, or also of the simple rosaries. But I would not want to appear blasfemo, but I would add also the Great Prize, ilGiro, the election of the president of the republic, and the hollywoodiano cinema porno and.
In all that time, my mind stacco' a lot soon from me. I rambled between those only seen persons of shoulders. I tested the shapes of the girls who us accompagnarano in that gita and on these I formulated of the highly summarized fantasies. There then I observed of the similimpiegati ones, similsballoni, similscoppiati and tried to absorb and to share the reasons of their presence... and also of mine...

The all creed that duro' half hour or three quarters of hour. Then you will re-unite to us in circle. The type in jacket and necktie directed the evening and invito', leaving from same he to presentarsi. He memory that confermo' my impression to be a from Milan one, come down in province for the occasion. Of the others not vague memory that people, from the incondivisibili reasonings...

This, e' be first of one the long series of travels in east...