Nocturn Rites

Last modified: Feb 21, 1998

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" tempietto ". Memory that gives to the young me ne spoke po all. To school: the class companions, between the friends qualcun other, to the bar: those as soon as known, to house: the sister its time brought back the voices that in its turn collected. More or less than all those history me memory this:
  1. Door sfiga. People that us have been have endured the disparati incidents more: from the dead women to strangest disadvantages to the small engine (insomma... e' passed a little time);
  2. The scantinato one is popolato from the " Miraude ", terrible bisce, not velenose, but the most painful bite;
  3. Cunicoli score of kilometers connects it until the city (one);
  4. Anomalies are taken place space-thunderstorms like those paventate in the triangle of the bermude;
  5. Satanici rituals of one mysterious schism.

I admit, already I had been before the time that I get ready to myself to raccontarvi... obviously not hardly in possession of the small engine. It was various from as it is hour. Perhaps from far away it was romantico, thanks to the vialetto delimited highest poplars. An apocalyptic cataclysm (a peasant with an electric saw) has broken them disordinatamente to the ground, like if a incurante God of the devastation that was in order to produce was prepared to make one hand Shangai, then endured interrupted in order to satisfy some other whim. Or an exorcist, decided to place term to the visits from part of the phantoms of the place to the country close helped from a ruspa and protect from sacred symbols had once sealed for all that door of hell.
To the ternime of the vialetto of approximately 100 meters, to the center of one round glade still delimited from poplars there e' the tempietto. The shape construction e' to poligonare to regulate of the diameter of approximately sette-otto meters. Thus laradura turns out to be of one score. I forgot. Pointed out to the glade e' also a small abandoned cemetary, of those with the erbaccia, the rusted bottom stones to death them divelte and cancelletto. Vialetto and glade within insinuate like the wharf on a lago the risaie of the plain.

E' difficult not to suggestionare the persons with history like these. Oltretutto as I said to you, these history are common patrimony, being my friends of same mine citta'.
Nevertheless, around to the 22 of that june, the sunset had been completed from a beautiful piece, and the proposal to go to visitarlo came accepted with the minimal insistence.

We parked on the large square that a time was the beginning of the vialetto, and there I became account of the disaster that had been completed.
Of night, species if without moon like that one, intuiva only the shape of the complex, delineated from the flares of the citta' far. The flooded risaie reflected the diffused lunar light from a thin cloud veil.
It was proceeded in Indiana row. Along the bank of the pit perche' the vialetto, to part the broken trees were melmoso for recent rains. Every time that the bank was lowered rimeva made muddy, in company of the placid ranocchie in nocturnal hunting.

Hour pero' I make it short: we arrived to the glade and we discovered that it was all covered of shrubs, ortiche and detritus. We sacrificed a volunteer who fu' voluntarily forced to open the passage. And always voluntarily the intimammo not to lamentarsi piu' a lot of the bruciore of the contaminated borders of skin. We visited the tempietto but the cemetary that was in conditions of accessibilita' still does not get worse of the glade. As volevasi to demonstrate not happened null. AIM