Leeward, per favore!

Last modified: Feb 21, 1998
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Therefore, once e' capitato to me of being appreciate host near one good family in mountain. They were the christmas festivities, and then I was still student university.
Optimal and abundant, renewed to every meal the luculliana scene in which I and my friends stuffed themselves very of every of God, under the benevolent look of the parent company landlady of one of the boys.

Joints to the third day, I became account to delay in the accomplishment of the customary evacuations, but in the same moment in which I became aware of this fact a reassuring stimulus induced to me to allontanarmi to the chetichella from the gang to the search of the cabinet.
It was a beautiful summery day, and when I introduced myself in the premises others were in drawing-room to play to papers. He was rectangular of generous dimensions for that tipologia of rather lengthened atmosphere and. On the bottom an open window much luminous one gave on the road of access to the house. I had socchiuderla little perche' entered too much air, then I put myself to the work. Boys who cagata! Of those clean and continuous ones, with an pleasant gas emission to breath with the gradevole emptying feeling that ne derives... but...

I did not make case us the beginning, but the airflow that crossed the room, flowed from the window to the door, evidently trafilando plentiful under of it... therefore... You keep in mind who I had not felt no odore a lot that in principle I thought averne produced. But the possibilita' existed also that the air reciprocation was so efficient, to prevent concentrarsi around me of quantitative sufficient from farmene appreciating the presence.
In little words returning in the drawing-room I noticed that the concitata atmosphere piu' of when I left it of unexpected was broken off, and that all stopped to laugh and they fixed to me.

Memento: not to cagare leeward.