Who did knock(...)?

Last modified: Feb 21, 1998
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Busseto - p.za Greens, 29


Therefore, you catch up Busseto. If you have need of a finalita' specific for farlo, we say that the important thing to you piu' that you will find yourselves there... e' close.

But hour, in order better to bite the stomach after along travel, we visit this laughing city Po. We catch up the public square-park difronte to the town hall. For farvi understanding the nature of the people that inhabit it we will only say you that this building not e' only theatre of politi accadimenti, bensi' e' also only theatre. Tizio bearded troneggia on one a chair there, perhaps a mayor or an actor... or perhaps a musician.

Pero' divaghiamo beyond and rechiamoci not to visit to n.29 of the this public square, famous like Public square Greens, the main one seppur isolated architectonic episode of the country.
Trattasi of an apartment of one small house to a plan of 1800 in mattone to red sight, perhaps dwelling a time of the tramp. To render this conviction, pack-saddles to cite that the windows are left opened frequently, in order to make si' that reasonable the looks of the pilgrims (of their presence ne we speak after) can hesitate to along on the inner furnishings and it convinces them of being in the just place. We enter.
Endured to the income we pick the sensibilita' in the disposition of the premises, in all three, two of which pointed out in that large one that fa' also from income. The pavement e' on purpose little cured in order not to induce in the troublesome visitors senses of guilt for the eventually muddy calzari from the long walks in the park or from the games practiced in the area for children of which e' equipped. Little cured, but accurately maintained cleaned up from ingenious system of continuous washing, distributed they do not give marchingegno a stranger to the furnishings, bensi' from a service that we could define " organic " to the functions of the atmosphere in which e' inserted, to which the oltretutto also in the substance visitor-author puo' to participate.

Puccini Lives!